In Response To Religious Freedoms Being Taken Because Of COVID19

Whenever I see a church being walled up because of COVID19, at first I think this isn’t fair or that people’s freedoms shouldn’t be impaired over something they aren’t allowed to risk with their own life. Like wearing a helmet or a seatbelt, it’s our choice if we should benefit from it’s protection or not without the corporate driven governments attempting to profit from risks that only affect us.

I’m going to throw up some “what ifs”. Don’t get upset. They’re just what ifs to consider..

But first let’s observe the obvious. COVID19 is overruling religion, science, logic, and safety as if to be more true than anything up to this date called truth, even though it has no leg to stand on. This is sad because freedom of religion, safety, or beliefs is a choice while a new agenda attempts to bury previous freedoms.

Here’s the what if.. What if COVID19 and the great reset are just new paradigm shifts similar to previous religious paradigm shifts burying science in order to protect religious claims? What if all these paradigm shifts are over money and gain?

Imagine proving that man lived long before the biblical claims of Genesis? Wouldn’t the religious world banish such a person of persons because it undermines a religious belief? Wasn’t it not long ago that anyone believing the world to be round was a lunatic? Will we ever be allowed to discover documents about Noah’s ark being a space ship rather than a boat, or that granite was cut with lasers, or even that Nikoli Tesa didn’t invent electricity, but rather rediscovered what may have been buried by religious agendas?

Here we are today with millions of people being persuaded to believe something to be true while it’s proven over and over to be false. I really doubt this is the first time people are being forced to do something they know is wrong, but in fear cave in to their demands to avoid being an outcast, incriminated, or killed. How many times has this happened in history while we try to protect the very religions that were pushed on us just like COVID19 is pushed on us today? Will we in 500 years begin to defend COVID19 and the great reset as a good thing simply because the documents showing it as evil were twisted, or destroyed? I hope not. However, in my opinion and observation of some history, it seems past evil events get better with time, and some even blocked out, like the Holocaust and those who demand it never occurred.

What if Covid19 and religion are just two paradigm shifts of different times. What’s wrong with shutting down a church for COVID19 when Christianity was forced on people in the same fashion throughout the world in the past two thousand years? America wants freedom, but the black people living there before America had their freedom taken away. Why then do American believe they have rights when their ancestors took away the rights of the people living there before them?

If we continue to look at the bad that’s happening to us now without looking at the bad that our ancestors causes on others it would be natural to feel a sense of entitlement or that our freedoms are being severed, but when history is in view of what we’ve done to others, shouldn’t that sense of entitlement disappear?


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